On Tuesday March 28th, each primary schools arrived in our school, it was full of children!
They were from Ajoupa-Bouillon, Basse-Pointe, Hauteurs-Bourdon, Macouba and GrandRivière. They prepared a song for us, they sang the Olympic Anthem. We were happy to
welcome them. Our year 7 sang “Ode to Joy”. They were all of them very shy.
After the songs, Ms. Virapin, Ms. Marie-Rose, Daniella (the Spanish assistant) and Tricia (the
Scottish assistant) explained the activities in four languages: English, Spanish, Kréyol and
French. There were a battle with sticks, a tug of war, bowling, “ika ipaka”, and conversation
activities with Ms. Romany and Ms. Despois. The year 8 were watching and wanted to skip
classes to play with them.
Finally they were happy because they were playing, they had fun, everybody was excited.
After one hour they left. Maybe they will come back next year.
Written by Year 8: 5eme C.
Reporters Stella and Nicolas.