
Consult the projects

Check out the projects that partner schools have submitted and get in touch with them to create a partnership with a class in the French-speaking Caribbean! Read more

Submit a project

You have a project and you are looking for a partner to collaborate on it? Fill out this form and find a partner institution! Read more

Call for proposal

Aliquam tempus mi ELAN’s project calls were created for primary and secondary schools. The purpose of these calls for projects is to allow students to collaborate with other students in the Caribbean to create a film or an exhibition. For the 2021-2022 school year, there are 4 ELAN project calls. Read more


ELAN (Linguistic Exchanges and Innovative Learning through Mobility) seeks to improve foreign language skills, facilitate access to higher education and encourage student mobility, training and school exchange programmes within the region.

The objective is to reinforce young persons’ skills in order to improve their access to the labour market and to enhance the attractiveness of territories and finally, to promote a shared Caribbean identity as the basis for an efficient and sustainable regional integration.

To learn more, visit our website

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