
On January 18th, 1936, one of the greatest British writers died in London. But Rudyard Kipling left, alongside with The Jungle book, one of the most beautiful texts in world literature. For Kipling’s biography, click here.

You will find the French and the English version here.


Martin Luther King’s Day

Every third Monday, in January, people celebrate Martin Luther King Day. In 2014, it will take place on January 20th. This day will be the Martin Luther King Service Day. American people honour Martin Luther King through service to others. See the site

Pour célébrer ce jour, le site vous propose des séquences réalisées dans des académies:

Séquence sur Martin Luther King proposée par l’académie de Dijon

Séquence sur Martin Luther King Day proposée par l’académie de Versailles

Martin Luther King’s biography