
On January 18th, 1936, one of the greatest British writers died in London. But Rudyard Kipling left, alongside with The Jungle book, one of the most beautiful texts in world literature. For Kipling’s biography, click here.

You will find the French and the English version here.


Martin Luther King’s Day

Every third Monday, in January, people celebrate Martin Luther King Day. In 2014, it will take place on January 20th. This day will be the Martin Luther King Service Day. American people honour Martin Luther King through service to others. See the site

Pour célébrer ce jour, le site vous propose des séquences réalisées dans des académies:

Séquence sur Martin Luther King proposée par l’académie de Dijon

Séquence sur Martin Luther King Day proposée par l’académie de Versailles

Martin Luther King’s biography

Doctor Who

On November 23rd, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the British TV series Doctor Who took place on British TV. The series narrates the extraordinary adventures of an original character, a human-like alien who travels through time and space in a blue police call box. But the most original is that Doctor Who is in love with any kind of life form, without any discrimination, delivering the most positive message on TV. Since 1963, Doctor Who has been embodied by 11 actors and in 2014, the 12th actor is ready to take back the role of this original TV phenomenon whose most famous fans are Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and…the Queen !

10 years of Facebook

It was on January 11th, 2004. A Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg registered the Facebook domain on the Network Solutions website. 10 years later, after scandals, security and privacy problems, it seems that even with a billion users, the social network experiments more and more difficulties to remain the number one . Click here

Zora Neale Hurston

She was born on January, 7th, 1891 and she was a high committed personality in the Harlem Renaissance. Her most famous novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God was a very inspiring masterpiece. Click on Zora Neale Hurston’s photo to enter her official website.