
Des professeurs d’anglais ont créé et mis en ligne un site privilégiant l’écoute et la compréhension de l’oral.  On peut s’y abonner via un compte Twitter.  Son nom: Soundguide. Les profs d’anglais trouveront des conseils pour tout ce qui concerne l’anglais et aussi des liens vers des sites conçus par des professeurs, dont ceux de Laurence Bernard et Nathalie Cadot de l’académie de Martinique!

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Consultez aussi la rubrique l’Oral

The Monuments Men

During World War II, a group of women and men from 13 nations were committed in finding art works stolen by Nazi Germany. Some of them were totally anonymous but others like French Rose Valland, became very famous. In 2014, George Clooney directed a film dedicated to their commitment.

The Monuments Men ‘s official site: historical documents about the Monuments Men, about Robert Edsel (who wrote books on them), the movie trailer, lessons plans for educators, …

Movie trailer

A view from the Oscars: Sir Sidney Poitier

His life is a true American success. It started on February 20th, 1927 when his parents from Bahamas came to Florida and…Sidney Poitier was born! He became the first Black American Oscar winner and participated in the March on Washington with Martin Luther King in 1963! And since he is, thanks to his parents, a British citizen, he was knighted by the Queen. In 1997, Sir Sidney Poitier became ambassador of the Bahamas to Japan. In 2009, President Barack Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, the USA’s highest civilian honour.

Sidney Poitier’s biography

Guess who’s coming to dinner trailer

In the Heat of the Night

Lilies of the Field trailer


Le site compte une nouvelle page “Index” qui permettra de trouver les sujets par ordre alphabétique. Le classement étant une tâche lourde, il est demandé à chacun de patienter quant à la consultation de cette page.

4 weddings and A Funeral

20 years ago, on March 9th 1994, one of the most brilliant British comedies premiered on screens. It definitely made Hugh Grant a star and promoted WH Auden’s most vibrant poem….

Penguin Teacher’s note about the movie

Imdb’s introduction to the movie

The movie’s trailer on you tube

Wet Wet Wet ‘s hit Love is all around on you tube

Wet Wet Wet love is all around the text

WH Auden’s Funeral Blues, the text

WH Auden’s Funeral Blues read by actor John Hannah (with English subtitles)

Rotten Tomatoes’ critics of the movie

Movie analysis (university approach)