liens utiles
Rappel: appel à communication pour le colloque Cyber-Langues d’Août 2015
L’association Cyber-Langues, dont fait partie notre collègue Laurence BERNARD, fait un appel à communication pour le colloque Cyber-Langues qui doit se tenir au Lycée Clément Ader, 76, rue Georges Clemenceau, 77220 Tournan-en-Brie, du lundi 24 au mercredi 26 août 2015.
Il ne reste plus que quelques jours. Dépéchez-vous…
Thanks to the MindView software, discover mindmapping and all its benefits for classes…
MindView you tube video (French)
7 great resources for teaching English through songs and music
They are available here. Just click…
Teaching Ideas
Looking for resources ? Visit the British Site Teaching Ideas
Skimming and Scanning
On the IELTS academic resources site, check this article about skimming and scanning texts.
Alice in Wonderland
150 years ago, one Charles Lutwidge Dodgson created a story to entertain children on a boat. But it is under his pseudonym, Lewis Carroll, that the story, Alice In Wonderland, became a worldwide success.
86 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15th, 1929, in Atlanta, USA
What happens in the brain when you learn a language?
The article was published by the Guardian