Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born on December 5th 1901…Though Mickey and Donald’s father enchanted generations of fans throughout the years, his personality remained controversial in some ways…

In 2014…

How American people celebrate the new year

January 11th, 2004 – January 11th,  2014: ten years of Facebook…

January 20th: Martin Luther King’s Day

31 janvier: finale du concours de plaidoiries des lycéens pour les Droits de l’Homme à Caen: cliquez ici


February 14th: Valentine Day

February 15th: Susan B. Anthony’s fight for equality between women and men in the USA

February, third Monday: Presidents’Day

March 17th: St Patrick’s Day

Earth Day in March

In April, 23rd, William Shakespeare will be 450 years!

June 14th: Flag Day in the USA..

and many more!…

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