Nous nous sommes trouvés

Une exposition consacrée à Aimé Césaire, Pablo Picasso et Wilfredo Lam se tient actuellement à l’habitation Clément du 8 décembre 2013 au 16 février 2014. Courez voir ce qui unit ces trois géants!

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Bahamas Junkanoo and 40th anniversary of Independence

December is the period of the Bahamas junkanoo. Junkanoo is a big street parade taking place in many Bahamian towns every boxing day (december 26th), New Year’s day. The biggest parade takes place in Nassau, the Bahamas capital. It will get special dimension for the 40th anniversary of the Bahamas Independence this year.

December programme of Junkanoo

December 6th – 7th: Junkanoo showdown / Category B groups

Thursday December 19th: Jr Junkanoo Parade (New Providence)

Wednesday December 25th: Sr. Junkanoo Parade (New Providence)

Wednesday December 25th: Sr Junkanoo Parade (Eleuthera)

Thursday December 26th: 40th anniversary National Junkanoo Parade