National family week

National Family Week originated in Canada and takes place the week before Thanksgiving every year. It was proclaimed an official week by the government of Canada in 1985. National Family Week is celebrated throughout the country with special events put on by community organizations. National Family Week also exists in The United States of America, the Un,ited Kingdom and Australia.

Black Friday

Friday November 29th is Black Friday! Following Thanksgiving, this is a day totally dedicated to shopping:

All about thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. It precedes Black Friday.

Transport et encadrement des élèves dans le cadre de sorties et voyages scolaires

Le Bo 29 du 18 juillet 2013 précise les simplifications des formalités administratives autour du transport et de l’encadrement des élèves dans le cadre de sorties et voyages scolaires. Le premier et le second degrés sont concernés.