Le Lycée Schoelcher, architecture moderniste

Atelier Anglais

Atelier Anglais

Correction des questions de compréhension par les élèves en atelier

lors de la sortie pédagogique du jeudi 27 Mars 2014 à Fort-de-France

pour préparer l’épreuve d’Histoire des Arts

  1. What type of document is it?

The document is an extract from a newspaper article published in the Today News.

  1. When was the document written? How long ago was it written?

The article was written on Sunday, August 30th, 2010. It was written four years ago.

  1. What is the document about?

This article is about the US modern architecture.

  1. Where is the document set in?

The article is set in Chicago and Boston, in the USA.

  1. When does the document date back to?

This article dates back to the early 20th century.

  1. Pick up the names in the document. What do they correspond to?





Henry Hobson Richardson
William Le Baron Jenney the Home Insurance Building

the Leiter BuildingLouis Sullivanthe Auditorium Building

the Wainwright Building

the Guarantee Trust BuildingDankmar AdlerRichard Neutra Frank Lloyd Wright


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