London has a new mayor

London has a new mayor. His name is Sadiq Khan.

He was born on October 9th 1970 in London, he is married and a father of two. Ideologically, he is on the moderate social democratic wing of the Labour Party. He began work as a solicitor specialising in human rights.

After a stunning political career as a MP for his native borough of Tooting, London (2005), minister of state for communities (2008-2009), as a minister of state for transport (2009-2010), as a shadow minister for London (2013-2015), he entered the mayoral campaign which led him to the seat of the first of the Londoners on May 6th 2016.

Curiously, in spite of his impressive political CV, French media have only focused on his muslim belonging as if the “event” has revealed the poor integration of minority-born personalities in the French political life…

Si vous étiez un touriste…

Ainsi commence la question posée à tous les enfants de la Caraïbe dans un concours dont les modalités sont décrites dans le document édité par la FCCA (Florida Caribbean Cruise Association)que vous trouverez ci-dessous. Les candidats doivent rédiger une rédaction de 500 mots pour répondre à cette question :

Si vous étiez un touriste, qu’aimeriez-vous faire en Martinique?

formulaire d’inscription FCCA 2016

règlement et conditions FCCA 2016