La Clé anglaise (La Clé des langues)

Créé dans le cadre d’une convention signée entre la Dégesco et l’ENS de Lyon, La Clé des langues est un service incontournable de formation continue des enseignants, en relation avec les programmes d’enseignement des collèges et lycées.

Les professeurs de langue vivante étrangère y trouveront des ressources scientifiques pour s’informer , se former et enseigner. Ces ressources universitaires permettant une actualisation des savoirs et une réflexion pédagogique et didactique en lien avec les programmes d’enseignement.

La section “Anglais” connue sous le nom de Clé Anglaise propose également des ressources prêtes à l’emploi

  • Le workbook: 10 dossiers documentaires sur des thèmes culturels en lien avec les programmes du cycle terminal :

– A dream come true?
– Sectarianism in Glasgow
– Environmental issues: degrowth and progress
– Aboriginal Australians and the white population
– Internet: the end of privacy?
– Reclaiming space in New York City
– Angela Davis: becoming an icon
– Madness in Shakespeare
– First person narratives
– Britain and World War One

  • Le porte-clés grammatical propose 15 fiches à consulter en ligne ou à télécharger pour aider les professeurs à intégrer la grammaire de l’anglais à leur enseignement, en s’appuyant sur la démarche communicative:

– Faire améliorer l’usage des articles
– Faire comparer des éléments
– Faire exprimer des probabilités
– Faire parler du passé
– Faire poser des questions
– Faire travailler les adjectifs
– Faire utiliser certains indénombrables
– Faire utiliser des génitifs
– Faire utiliser des prépositions ou des phrasal verbs
– Faire utiliser le passif
– Faire utiliser THERE + BE + sujet réel
– Faire utiliser des subordonnées relatives
– Faire utiliser des mots lexicaux ou énoncés négatifs
– Faire utiliser des modaux
– Faire mieux comprendre la logique des formes en -ING

Dernières publications sur La clé anglaise (rss):

  • [Question d'actualité] On July 4, 2024, British voters will elect their Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons, and therefore their new Prime Minister (PM). Current PM Rishi Sunak, who called for an early general election on May 22, aims to win a fifth term in office for the Conservative Party. With a […]
  • [Fiche] Based on Shakespeare’s ((Romeo and Juliet)), ((West Side Story)) holds an important place within American culture: it started as a Broadway success, became an Oscar-winning movie in the early 1960s, and then was readapted to the big screen sixty years later by Steven Spielberg. This article analyzes how key issues such as immigration and […]
  • [Fiche] Sri Lankan writer Shehan Karunatilaka’s novel ((The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida)) tells the story of a war photographer, gambler and closeted gay in Colombo during the 1980s civil war. One day, he wakes up in a bureaucratic afterlife while his body is sinking in the Beira Lake, and he is given seven moons […]
  • [Conférence] Based on letters written between 1685 and 1699 by agents of the Royal African Company who had settled in West Africa, this lecture examines the place of epistolary form in late 17th-century trade, as well as the role played by “human pawns” in the credit system set up between the Royal African Company and […]
  • [Fiche] In ((Glory)), Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo gives voice to a multitude of unheard animal citizens who resist political oppression in the fictional kingdom of Jidada. She offers an original fable about her country, paying tribute to victims of the regime while glorifying collective strength.
  • [Fiche] This paper will consider how Salman Rushdie’s novel ((Victory City)) is eminently framed by multiple acts of creation involving questions of agency, artistry and resistance. In his fifteenth novel, Rushdie tells the epic story of the young orphan girl Pampa Kampana who is endowed with magical powers by a goddess and who subsequently creates […]
  • [Conférence] Following Frank Lloyd Wright's famous aphorism, "There is no architecture without philosophy", this talk analyses the links and bridges between the fields of architecture and philosophy. Focusing specifically on architecture and hospitality, Klaus Benesch examines the importance of building in American history and outlines the central argument of his next book, ((Architecture and the […]
  • [Fiche] In ((The Doctor and the Saint)), Arundhati Roy compares and contrasts the lives and beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution. Analyzing the two men's trajectories, Roy seeks to explain their conflict on the subject of Untouchability during the Second Round Table Conference (1931). In doing so, […]
  • [Conférence] How can words and concepts from the Early Modern period help us address today's environmental issues? In this talk, Lowell Duckert outlines the basic tenets of the Environmental Humanities and the different methodologies this field draws on, before giving examples of Early Modern texts describing ecological issues.
  • [Fiche] In ((A View of the Empire at Sunset)), Caryl Phillips proposes a fictionalised version of the life of novelist Jean Rhys – a Creole woman from Dominica expatriated in Europe – as a mirror image of the decline and dissolution of the British colonial Empire over the course of the 20th century. By depicting […]
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