Victor interviews Tudor Spantu, a student from Romania who took part in an Erasmus project in January

On the occasion of Erasmus project of the highschool, two of our students had the opportunity to host foreign students. They took advantage to ask them some questions:


Student: Does this travel have precise objectives?

Tudor Spanţu : Yes, we come here first of all to learn about different cultures, to improve our english, our socializing skills, obviously to have a good time and also to do some photographies. Indeed, our sojourn is also a one-week photography seminary here in Martinique.


S.: Did you have a special preparation before coming?

T.S: Not a big one, but yes. For example, we had to prepare some presentation of our country and our city. We also had to take some traditional foods from our countries for a food tasting. The teachers also explained us what were the objectives of this travelling.


S.: Is it the first time that your school is part of an Erasmus project?

T.S: No, definitely not. They had many in the past, and they will have many more in the future.


S.: What are your impressions about the Erasmus project in general?

T.S: I think it’s an amazing idea because this exchange allow people to go to strangers’ house learn about the strangers’ culture, become friends but also, the strangers who discover a new country they come back a new person, full of knowledge and experience, They live a week in a totally different culture, so they change and learn a lot. I’m greatful to this project to let people having this wonderful experience.


S.: Do you come here with a spirit of working, just to have fun or both ?

T.S: Let’s say 70% working and 30% having fun. I mean you can’t go to Martinique and not have a good time (Laughing). It is mainly work but pleasurable work and also some funny moments.


S.: Do you think that a week in a foreign country can change someone’s mind ?

T.S.: Yes, totally ! I think this the whole idea behind Erasmus project. The thing is they can only bring a few people, but then those people go back home with a lot of new ideas, perspectives they gain during their travel and share it with everybody else.





S.: What do you think about Martinique?

T.S: Before, I did not know this island, but I’m surprised. The landscapes, the vegetation everything is beautiful ! And first of all, the atmosphere looks relax, but people always think with a purpose. So it’s just amazing !!!


S.: Can you tell us a few words about your country, Romania?

T.S: I think it’s nicer than you think it is. Because Romania is too « forgotten », too less known.



S.: Is it only Romania that is forgotten or all of this part of the world ?

T.S : I think that Eastern Europe is not that well-known, and a lot of people have many well-shaped ideas about this part of the world that are totally false and fool.


  1. : Do you think that if everybody had the opportunity to travel to a foreign country the world could go better ?

T.So : Yes, absolutely ! I mean most of the problem that we have in today’s world are based on false ideas that we have about people that are not true at all, as I said before. So, if the people that have these stupidly-based ideas can meet someone that they have this fool idea about, they will see that it is definitely not as they think it is. We’re all different, but we’re all humans, you know !


  1. : Thank you for your interesting answers !

T.S : Thank you for your interview !





Victor M.







On the occasion of the Erasmus project, a photography exhibition took place at the town hall of Trinité. The great opportunity to rediscover our island with another point of view. The three categories nature, portrait and macro allowed us to see the whole landscape, from the microscopic to the gigantic. Those photos showed us the beauty of our country and gave me another time the wish to find the hidden treasures of Martinique. From wild nature to portrait in the city, the pictures were varied but always attractive. This temporary exhibition was pleasant and brilliant, everybody should see it !


Victor M.