Concours de dessins de Mangas !

Pour la Journée Mondiale des Otakus,
le CDI du Collège Beauséjour a organisé un Concours de dessins de Mangas
sur le thème “Métier de mes rêves”.
Le but était de dessiner leur personnage préféré dans le cadre du métier que l’élève souhaite exercer plus tard.

Voici les noms des lauréats !

Et voici leurs dessins : 


Un grand merci à l’ensemble des participants ! 


Chers parents,

Le lycée Frantz FANON s’est engagé depuis plusieurs années dans la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire.

La réservation permet à la cheffe de cuisine de connaitre chaque jour le nombre de repas à préparer. La réservation des repas est donc obligatoire.

A compter de la rentrée scolaire du 09 novembre, les élèves ne seront normalement pas autorisés à déjeuner sans réservation ou sans carte. Une tolérance pourra être appliquée dans la mesure du possible : les élèves concernés par un oubli de carte ou une non réservation pourront être servis si et seulement s’il reste des repas à la fin du service.

Comment réserver ?

La réservation n’est possible que si le compte présente un solde positif.

– A partir d’une des bornes de réservation du lycée (de préférence la veille)

– Si vous avez un compte en ligne :

o Aller sur le site internet du Collège Beauséjour /clg-beausejour/

o Cliquer sur l’icône TURBOSELF pour accéder à votre compte en ligne

Votre enfant peut aussi lui-même réserver en ligne avec son smartphone. L’application Espace Numérique TURBOSELF est téléchargeable via AppStore.




Les lundi 9 et mardi 10 novembre avaient été retenus pour le paiement de la demi-pension uniquement pour les paiements en espèces et carte bleue.

Afin de garantir la protection des élèves, des personnels et des usagers, nous nous voyons dans l’obligation d’apporter les modifications nécessaires au calendrier et dans les modalités de paiements de la demi-pension.

Je vous propose de créer votre compte en ligne avant le mercredi 11 novembre 2020 à l’adresse suivante :

Je vous rappelle que le paiement en ligne (comme le paiement par chèque) n’est soumis à aucun calendrier.

En cas de difficultés, une permanence téléphonique sera assurée au Vous pourrez également transmettre vos doléances par mail. Nous ne manquerons pas d’y répondre.

Les personnes ne pouvant recourir qu’à l’espèce sont invitées à se faire connaître en envoyant un mail avant le 11 novembre 2020 à l’adresse suivante : Ce message devra contenir le nom, le prénom et le numéro de carte de l’élève ainsi que des coordonnées téléphoniques du parent. Un accueil organisé sera, alors, mis en place.

Je vous remercie de votre compréhension.

Prenez soin de vous.

Le service de gestion



  1. PAIEMENT EN LIGNE sur le site Turbo self pour les élèves en possession de la carte turbo
  1. PAIEMENT PAR CHEQUE : les chèques sont à déposer dans la boîte aux lettres située dans le hall du bât. administratif ( Indiquez au dos du chèque : le nom, le prénom de l’élève et le n° de carte de cantine et Libellez votre chèque à l’ordre de L’AGENT COMPTABLE DU LGT FRANTZ FANON)



(VALABLES JUSQU’AU 31/12/2020)

TOTAL 25 50,00 €
Tarif unitaire repas 2,00 €
Tarif carte Turbo Self 10 €


RAPPEL : Pour les questions de demi-pension et les problèmes de cantine , les parents peuvent désormais :

  • téléphoner  au 05 96 58 02 50

Atelier photo : raconter le confinement et le déconfinement

Bonjour je m’appelle Lou, j’ai 11 ans et j’ai participé au projet photo avec tous les élèves volontaires et Mr Gilles, Mr André et l’artiste photographe Nicolas Derné, qui devait travailler au collège cette année.


Il s’est retrouvé dans la même situation que nous tous….il a donc réfléchit pendant le confinement à une façon de travailler sur la photographie de manière ludique, tout en faisant des recherches sur l’art grâce aux nombreux musées en ligne et à certaines applications. Vous pourrez découvrir sa proposition dans la vidéo qu’il a postée sur son blog:

Vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien suivant pour télécharger l’application Art transfer:
Et Google art and culture:
Nous avons donc débuté lundi 22/06 en parlant du projet qui s’est ouvert pendant le confinement : le « museum challenge », il fallait chercher sur internet un tableau à reproduire et prendre une photo qui soit la plus ressemblante, par exemple « La Jeune Fille à la perle », une peinture de Johannes Vermeer :
Rendaniou encore ce tableau « Deux femmes à la fenêtre » de Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Getty challenge
Alors comme ça avait l’air facile nous avons essayé le premier jour de reproduire une oeuvre, et sur internet nous en avons trouvé une qui représentait une classe : « EN CLASSE, LE TRAVAIL DES PETITS » de GEOFFROY, dit GEO Henri Jules Jean (1853 – 1924)
 On est allé en salle de permanence et on a commencé à la reproduire mais c’était beaucoup plus dur que ça en avait l’air… quelques essais plus tard on a enfin réussi, il nous a fallu beaucoup de patience. Pratiquement tout le monde est passé à tour de rôle pour prendre sa photo.
L’après-midi nous avons reproduit moi et ma sœur trois œuvres: nous avons commencé par chercher sur internet des tableaux qui nous plaisaient, on a pris un quart d’heure pour trouver des tableaux à reproduire mais on a trouvé. On s’est habillés avec des draps, des t-shirts, des robes, du tissu, des bouts de bois … cela nous a pris près de deux heures mais c’était intéressant!
Les jours suivants nous avons pu voir les photos des autres élèves qui participaient à l’atelier, tout le monde a bien travaillé!
Oscar MOURAÏ, 6e1 :
Pour ma part j’ai pris peu de temps pour trouver le tableau (« le repas de noces » de Magritte) mais le plus dur c’était de prendre la photo avec un animal.
J’ai commencé par chercher le bon angle et la bonne place ensuite j’ai amené mon chat mais comme il ne voulait pas coopérer j’ai pris une photo du chat que j’ai collé par dessus en utilisant l’appli GIMP sur mon ordinateur, cela m’a pris 45 minutes, et on a fait ensuite l’assemblage des deux photos et du tableau au CDI.
j’ai beaucoup aimé l’atelier photo car c’était drôle de voir des reproductions d’œuvres célèbres.

Léna Monjardet Bellocq, 6em4 :

Avec un ami nous avons reproduit « La jeune fille à la perle ». Nous avons commencé par regarder le tableau puis nous avons pris ce qu’il nous fallait pour reproduire l’oeuvre. Ce n’était pas facile car nous étions au CDI du collège. Nous avions commencé par utiliser la photo de l’élève qui avait pris le fond d’une gourde qui ressemblait à une perle:

puis on a fini par me mettre un masque bleu sur la tête puis une perle sur l’oreille, nous avons ensuite cherché un endroit où prendre la photo. J’ai dû me positionner pour faire comme sur  le portrait. On a dû prendre au moins 5 photos avant de trouver la bonne position car la perle ne faisait que tomber et mon ami ne prenait pas la bonne photo ou je bougeais car il prenait du temps à la prendre. Finalement nous avons réussi à prendre la bonne photo.  Nous nous sommes bien amusés.

Voici les créations des autres élèves :
Les jours suivants nous avons travaillé sur d’autres façons de prendre des photos en utilisant les perspectives pour créer des illusions d’optiques ou autres effets : 
Nous avons aussi travaillé avec le matériel de M. André, un studio photo portable afin de prendre des photos de type « studio », avec une lumière et un fond modifiable : 
Voici le rendu final (sans retouche d’image) très différent selon les appareils photos et leurs réglages, l’angle de vue et les modèles : 
  Nous avons aussi utilisé l’appli « Art transfert » qui permet d’appliquer des filtres de tableaux célèbres sur nos photos:
cliquez sur les images pour voir l’animation:

Chloe interviews Lana Marie, a student who took part in the Peace Erasmus Project in January

Chloé :  How long did it take to organize the Erasmus project ?

Lana Marie Orel: About 2 months


 Why did your class choose to come in Martinique?

We chose Martinique because France is part of the Peace Project.


Did you learn some French words before your trip? Can you give me examples?

-Yes, I learn “Bonsuar” and “Bonjour” and “Ca va”.


What did you learn about Martinique’s culture?

I learnt about Gommier sailing, banana plantations, past hairstyles


 What were the topics of your training?

We studied the ethics of photography in nature, ethics towards animals – how to respect them – , how to use some apps like GIMP, selfies, etc..


 What are your favorite photo types?

I choose portrait because I love taking portraits and catching random faces and emotions.


 What did you know about Martinique before your trip?

I didn’t know a lot. I knew it was French department.


 What are your feelings about the different visits?

I liked the diversity of the visits. I really liked Gommier sailing.


 Which visit did you enjoy the most and the one you enjoyed the least, and why?

-Gommier sailing was my favourite and rum factory because I love water activities.

I didn’t like too much walking.


 Is there anything really special you’re going to remember about this trip?

Yes! I’m definitely going to remember my amazing host family! I’m so grateful for their acceptance and I’ll remember the nature.


 What do you think now of this trip, compared to what you thought before coming?

-I think it’s definitely cultural difference, but the nature really surprised me, – birds and sailing.



Chloé T.

Victor interviews Tudor Spantu, a student from Romania who took part in an Erasmus project in January

On the occasion of Erasmus project of the highschool, two of our students had the opportunity to host foreign students. They took advantage to ask them some questions:


Student: Does this travel have precise objectives?

Tudor Spanţu : Yes, we come here first of all to learn about different cultures, to improve our english, our socializing skills, obviously to have a good time and also to do some photographies. Indeed, our sojourn is also a one-week photography seminary here in Martinique.


S.: Did you have a special preparation before coming?

T.S: Not a big one, but yes. For example, we had to prepare some presentation of our country and our city. We also had to take some traditional foods from our countries for a food tasting. The teachers also explained us what were the objectives of this travelling.


S.: Is it the first time that your school is part of an Erasmus project?

T.S: No, definitely not. They had many in the past, and they will have many more in the future.


S.: What are your impressions about the Erasmus project in general?

T.S: I think it’s an amazing idea because this exchange allow people to go to strangers’ house learn about the strangers’ culture, become friends but also, the strangers who discover a new country they come back a new person, full of knowledge and experience, They live a week in a totally different culture, so they change and learn a lot. I’m greatful to this project to let people having this wonderful experience.


S.: Do you come here with a spirit of working, just to have fun or both ?

T.S: Let’s say 70% working and 30% having fun. I mean you can’t go to Martinique and not have a good time (Laughing). It is mainly work but pleasurable work and also some funny moments.


S.: Do you think that a week in a foreign country can change someone’s mind ?

T.S.: Yes, totally ! I think this the whole idea behind Erasmus project. The thing is they can only bring a few people, but then those people go back home with a lot of new ideas, perspectives they gain during their travel and share it with everybody else.





S.: What do you think about Martinique?

T.S: Before, I did not know this island, but I’m surprised. The landscapes, the vegetation everything is beautiful ! And first of all, the atmosphere looks relax, but people always think with a purpose. So it’s just amazing !!!


S.: Can you tell us a few words about your country, Romania?

T.S: I think it’s nicer than you think it is. Because Romania is too « forgotten », too less known.



S.: Is it only Romania that is forgotten or all of this part of the world ?

T.S : I think that Eastern Europe is not that well-known, and a lot of people have many well-shaped ideas about this part of the world that are totally false and fool.


  1. : Do you think that if everybody had the opportunity to travel to a foreign country the world could go better ?

T.So : Yes, absolutely ! I mean most of the problem that we have in today’s world are based on false ideas that we have about people that are not true at all, as I said before. So, if the people that have these stupidly-based ideas can meet someone that they have this fool idea about, they will see that it is definitely not as they think it is. We’re all different, but we’re all humans, you know !


  1. : Thank you for your interesting answers !

T.S : Thank you for your interview !





Victor M.







On the occasion of the Erasmus project, a photography exhibition took place at the town hall of Trinité. The great opportunity to rediscover our island with another point of view. The three categories nature, portrait and macro allowed us to see the whole landscape, from the microscopic to the gigantic. Those photos showed us the beauty of our country and gave me another time the wish to find the hidden treasures of Martinique. From wild nature to portrait in the city, the pictures were varied but always attractive. This temporary exhibition was pleasant and brilliant, everybody should see it !


Victor M. 

Parades, exposition du photographe Nicolas DERNE

Parades 2019... #parades #exposition @tropiquesatrium #photographie

Parades. C’est le nom de l’exposition de Nicolas Derné visible à l’atrium, galerie André Arsenec. C’est avec cet artiste que nous avons mené l’atelier artistique et culturel depuis le début de l’année.
Nous avons enfin pu visiter son exposition qui semble nous raconter des histoires.
La nôtre, tout d’abord, ensanglantée, multiple dans l’origine et dans sa diffusion. Point commun entre nos îles, ce besoin de dire par le bruit, le fracas et la mascarade. L’histoire d’une génération, la nouvelle, la suivante, une rebelle dont la cause est la simple survie dans une mémoire à construire. Rebelles qui ont tout, mais n’ont le goût de rien.

Rebelles qui n’ont rien, pour certains, et qui pour avoir feraient tout. Même tout ce qu’il ne faut pas. Et finalement, elle nous raconte l’histoire de masques qui en disent long ; elle nous raconte autant d’histoires d’hommes que de femmes pour peu que l’on s’arrête et lise derrière les titres. Derrière la ligne jaune. DO NOT TRESPASS semble-t-elle nous dire. Car derrière la ligne, ce noir, ce blanc, ce brut, pour dire la vraie couleur des gens. Sans fard, sans artifice.


Plus d’informations sur le site de l’auteur.

Télécharger le portfolio.

Version anglaise rédigée par les élèves de la section euro-caribéenne : 

Our meeting with Nicolas Derné

June the 6th, we met the professional photographer Nicolas Dermé in the conxtet of his exhibition « Parades » at the Tropiques Atrium. His exhibition is about carnival in the Caribbean. He explained us that through his pictures, he wanted to told a story. The photographs showed the carnival with a different way. Indeed, the pictures are in black and white and often represent people who had strongs messages or importants causes to defend. Mister Derné said he thought that carnival can be a moment of freedom and expression. The students of the english and spanish section had the chance to interview him:
Students :
Have you travelled a lot ? Which country/continent inspired you the most ?

Nicolas Derné :
Yes, I travelled all around the world. I went to Australia, Asia, Africa and to different islands of the Caribbean like Cuba, Trinidad, Guadeloupe…  I was especially inspired by Africa because Africans have a very interesting culture.
It’s incredible how any of them is able to tell you about his/her culture, going deep into details. I remember I found myself totally unable to talk about my own culture when I met them.

Why have you chosen black and white photography? Why did you stick to that aesthetic choice for an exhibition about carnival which is known as very colourful ?
My choice of this aestethic was important for me because I think it gives another vision. I choose black and white for an exhibition about carnival because I want to show the other sides of the celebration, not only colours and joy.
S. :
What are the similarities and the disparities between the Carnival parades organized in Caribbean?

The theme of the devil is a very common theme of the carnival. The colours and the
costumes are also similar. But some traditions are different from an island to another.

After the interview, Mister Dermé showed us some of the photographs and explain his process to make this exhibition.
Some of his photos:
☆ “ Wet set the rules ” that represents a fire-eater.
☆ “ Money money money ” referring to a tradition of Trinidad
☆ “ Le dieu du vaincu ” According to a poem of Aimé Césaire
☆ “ Woman aren’t propriety ” a woman walking with her head up, in way determined, she seems sure of her.
Most of your title are in English: deliberate choice or spontaneity?

N.D: Spontaneity because, the titles pop suddenly in my mind and they are often in English.

Ancestral trade #platanuses #Carnaval #carnaval2019 #parades #blancoynegro #cotui #carnavales #godominicanrepublic #blackandwhitephotos #carnavalcotui #carnival #workinprogress #fear #smile #centroleonRD #residency #photography #fotografia #art #project #religion #exploretocreate #streettogether #streetmagazine #tropiquesatrium #tropiquesatriumscènenationale #eych2018 #europeforculture2018 #europeforculture

Meeting with the photographer

On Thursday, June 6, we visited, via the video conference, Nicolas Derné’s « Parades » exhibition: Parades. This one was held at the Tropiques Atrium. The photos were taken in different islands of the West Indies including in : Martinique (which is his home island), Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Cuba, Saint Martin and Trinidad. Each one has a story.

Before having a passion for photography, he was a computer engineer. In 2006, he devoted himself to his two passions: photography and travel. Today, he has no regrets about launching himself. He didn’t want to show his relatives a selfie of himself in front of a monument. He wanted to: « tell what I saw. »

These different trips allowed him to speak fluent English, Spanish and of course French (we were able to ask him questions in these different languages). His most significant trip was to Africa, which influenced his choice of theme, which was the « carnival ». But he has also travelled to Asia (Singapore) and Australia.

All the pictures we could see were in Black and White. He chose this technique because he doesn’t want us to focus only on the colour, he wants to force the spectator to imagine them. In addition, black and white photos capture light. While color deteriorates the light and therefore the photo. We can also see that he uses different pigments (grains) according to these photographs.

Many similarities were observed in the carnivals photographed: the colourful costumes, the « Neg gwo siwo », the red devils, the people marching in the streets or in tanks. However, we noted a difference: carnival is more expensive in Trinidad.

When Nicolas Derné goes on a trip, he doesn’t have a clear idea of what he’s going to take. When he is captivated by a person he takes a picture of them: » the first thing that takes is my eye » In a picture that takes place in the Dominican Republic, we see a woman who shows a strong image of her body. On her outfit there are drawings of female sexes. It is an image that is both captivating and shocking.

He never builds his drawings in a notebook, but already has photo ideas in his unconscious. He is spontaneous and jumps at the opportunity when it presents itself. His images build a discourse.

During this exhibition we noticed that all the titles were in English. It was a deliberate choice of the photographer. He chooses the title in relation to the photo.

Mr Derné’s first intention is to break stereotypes about carnival in the Caribbean: « No longer believe that it is a symbol of hubbub, of colours seen from the sidewalks or balconies ».

Some photos were created by computer, but they were always taken from reality. For example, there is a photo taken in the Dominican Republic where he drew inspiration from Greek mythology by representing the « Minotaur », and he said a striking sentence: « Real but totally unreal at the same time ». One photo was very shocking (he even hesitated to put it on). On this one we saw Nazis in a car and in the middle Adolf Hitler. But behind this there is a deep message. Which is to denounce the crimes he had committed against Haitians and in which few people were interested. Moreover, this photo evoked that if the devil reincarnated, he would be Hitler.

The first image that most marked us was a photo that he took during a carnival in Fort-de-France, Martinique (it led him to do his project). We see a man disguised as a woman pushing a stroller. In this one there are babies with a cigarette in their mouths. Nicolas recalls that he saw: « a transparent image of the society in which we live » and that « the Lost Generation is a bit like this lost generation as if a transmission had not taken place. »

Impressions :

The exhibition was rich in history and anecdote. It was amusing to wonder what message Mr Derné wanted to convey through his photo. In addition, he answered all our questions and tried to explain everything. One photo was very striking. On this one we see three characters in the center, one of whom has a mask. They play skipping rope. But you might also think they’re fighting. All around them there are people in a circle cheering for them. The photographer wanted to show that they don’t need to be rich to be happy and that the carnival is a time of sharing where you can have fun. We can also think that they help each other, because they are in the same boat (they are poor).

The fact that the photographer uses a Black and White technique, increases the light and makes more impression on the minds. In addition, the photos attract the eye and make them more natural.

Finally, I found the exhibition to be very varied and dynamic.

« You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think.  » Alan Alexander MILNE

Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956) was an English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various poems. Milne was a noted writer, primarily as a playwright, before the huge success of Pooh overshadowed all his previous work. Milne served in both World Wars, joining the British Army in World War I, and was a captain of the BritishHome Guard in World War II.

Winnie-the-Poh and his friends are famous for their abiliy to always look on the bright side of life. So, when in doubt,  think of this inspiring quote.


Wake me up when September ends …

It’s kind of funny how, as teachers, we always hope that some pupils will have matured over the summer holidays. But September eventually knocks on the door of your expectations, and they haven’t. The only thing we can do is to rely on this quote:

Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself.” — Chinese proverb



April is known as poetry month in the US and a lot of events are held in schools to celebrate this art. One of the favorite poems taught to American children is “Lost Generation”, by Jonathan Reed. Our students also read it and discovered a particular writing structure. Indeed, this poem is a “reverse poem”, which means, if you read from the top line to the bottom line, you might get quite hopeless given the desperate pessimistic tone of the author. But when you read from the bottom line to the top line, it reveals an opposite and optimistic meaning, actually proving faith in humankind.


  • Here is the original poem, read by our students in the regular way.

Audio Collective Lost Generation 1 : 


  • Here is the same poem, read in the reverse way

Audio Collective Lost Generation Reverse : 

Here is the complete poem:

video Lost Generation

The structure of this poem is often used as a writing exercise. Here is for example, a poem about cancer (the author is anonymous). It uses the same structure: some sentences from Jonathan Reed’s poem appear.  

Capucine, Cancer Poem : 


  • Our students also created their own reverse poem and developed different themes. Let’s discover what they have to say! For each poem, remember to reverse the reading!

1/ Noé, My Young Age

2/ Lily-Rose, Life Hater

3/ Enora, Practice makes perfect?

4/ Kémissa, An Evil Thing?

5/ Victor, Unique

6/ Chloé, Lonely Girl  


7/ Capucine, Born to be Equal Photo poem

Photos processus de mise en forme.